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a heart of goldの例文


  • orphan with a love of art and a heart of gold .
    芸術と心優しい人を こよなく愛する孤児
  • he's the most absentminded man , but he has a heart of gold .
    慌て者ですが 心のきれいな男です
  • so , donald hauser was a swindler with a heart of gold .
    じゃ ドナルド・ハウザーは 親切な心を持つ詐欺師だったの?
  • an assassin with a heart of gold .
  • an appropriate gift because it is for somebody that heshe has a heart of gold and heshe is an exemplary employee .
    それもそのはず... これを贈るのが それにふさわしい出納係だからだ
  • and his friend tsurukawa , who yoken thought of as a friend and was supposed to have a heart of gold , did not open his heart to yoken after all .
  • at the same time , he began to study at a college mainly for buddhist trainees , and there , he met kashiwagi , a classmate who walked on crutches due to his club foot and always lingered in the corner of the classroom , as well as tsurukawa , who he believed had a heart of gold .