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a new moonの例文


  • when the moon can no longer be seen , that's a new moon .
    月が すっかり見えなくなって 新月となる。
  • i was born under a new moon .
    私が生まれたのも 新月の夜だったんだよ。
  • on the night of a new moon , many stars actually balloons gather .
    新月の夜に 幾つもの星 バルーンが集まるんだ。
  • a new moon would be a good time .
  • there's a new moon on the horizon .
  • tonight there's a new moon .
    今日は 新月ですね。
  • next monday is a new moon .
  • got to be a new moon .
  • tonight's a new moon .
  • chinese calendar (the lunar and solar calendar ): the day of a new moon between january 21st and february 21st in the gregorian calendar is chun-jie (in chinese ), the chinese new year ' s day .
  • a new moon refers to the moon when its phase is 0 , a waxing moon refers to the moon when its phase is 7 .5 , a full moon refers to the moon when its phase is 14 and a waning moon refers to the moon when its phase is 22 .5 .
  • that is , the moon starts to wane after it passes through the peak called the full moon , then waning moon and finally disappears as a new moon , but it comes back in the night sky as a crescent moon .