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  • he's been wandering here and there aimlessly .
    あっちへ ふらふら こっちへ ふらふら。
  • i am unemployed , and will aimlessly wander the streets .
    無職です 絶賛路頭に迷い中です
  • aren' t you just buying time aimlessly
    大橋先生を 当てもなく ただ かばうためだけの
  • i lie awake . i think thoughts . i walk aimlessly .
    横になって 考え事をしたり・・・ 何となく うろついたり
  • i was just floating around aimlessly ...
  • samurai have no choice but to wander aimlessly in this meiji era .
    明治になって食いっぱぐれた 元士族 侍 浪人連中だ
  • i mean , you see , everything seems to have been scattered aimlessly around the space .
    こんなに色々なものを 散らかして
  • i wandered aimlessly about , and as i emerged from the dark forest , there was a castle .
    あてもなく さまよう俺が 暗い森を抜けると
  • but what if our family trees are more like vines , twining aimlessly throughout the ages ?
    だが血筋がつるのように ずっと絡み付いてきたら?
  • and , by the way , isn't that your cabin boy ... aimlessly footling about in those shrouds ?
    話を変えましょう あの坊やは あなたの 部下じゃないのかしら?
  • and , by the way , isn't that your cabin boy ... aimlessly footling about in those shrouds ?
    話を変えましょう あの坊やは あなたの 部下じゃないのかしら?
  • he's just wandering around aimlessly , i guess . there's no way he's gonna find her that way .
    当てもなく捜してるだけだろ。 そんなんで 見つかるわけないよ。
  • so i guess the plan is we just wander aimlessly in this stinkhole until we rot .
    さぁ、足が腐るまで、ここに歩き続けるか? いや、お城に侵入して、チャーミングがたくらんでいることを見ていこう
  • and helping the cops sounds better than i've been driving aimlessly in my truck because i don't know what the fuck else to do .
    "何もする事がないので 車でうろついてた" より聞こえがいいよな
  • he relinquished kawakamiza for fund-raising and drifted on a raft with his wife and niece aimlessly , but ended up returning to shimoda .
  • and if the members of their households were to be included , an uncountable number including myself had to wander around aimlessly after the loss of their worth .
    それぞれの宗の者を入れると 改易竇略頭に迷つてある その数は 見当もつ宣ま世め
  • seishin is aimlessly walking down inasegawa hyappongi , when izayoi , who slipped out of the entertainment establishment , catches up with him , and the two attempt a double suicide by throwing themselves into the river .
  • i ,' the protagonist , had lung disease and always suffered from an illogical anxiety , and losing interest in the things ' i ' used to enjoy , such as music , poems , and ' my ' favorite stationery store maruzen , then wandering aimlessly around the city .
  • the title of this chapter came from the waka poems exchanged between hikaru genji and utsusemi: ' i did not know the deceptive ways of the broom tree , so i wander aimlessly in the sonohara moorlands .' and ' born in a humble home and crushed by a name , i might like the broom tree vanishing away '
    巻名は作中で光源氏と空蝉 (源氏物語)が交わした和歌「帚木の心をしらでその原の道にあやなくまどひぬるかな」及び「数ならぬ伏屋に生ふる名のうさにあるにもあらず消ゆる帚木」に因む。
  • after being scolded by the irate barber , doji was feeling despondent and wandered aimlessly down to the bridge over a nearby stream , hanging his head , only to notice that his face , reflected in the water , had completely transformed into that of an oni , whereupon he fled north , without ever returning home to the barber ' s , into the mountains of tanba , where he eventually encountered shuten doji and became his henchman .