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arrow onlyの例文


  • The arrow only had to fly through the gas.
  • Sometimes Cupid slips, his arrow only grazing the heart.
  • It is usually accompanied by signs saying " left turn signal " or " left on arrow only ".
  • With R1 + arrows only, my player runs in a straight, predictable line and arrives a tad late onto every through ball.
  • The circular green cannot do this because the circular green controls all vehicular movements, while the flashing yellow arrow only controls movement in the direction indicated.
  • An incensed Grant attempts to shoot her with a bow and arrow only to be unceremoniously booted overboard by Andrew, who promptly gives his notice of resignation.
  • In his anger, Kama ( Cupid, the god of love, also called Manmata ) assailed Shiva with his arrows only to be cursed by Shiva and separated from his beloved.
  • By exactness, " w " 2 is in the image of the preceding arrow only if it is in the kernel of the next arrow, which we recall is the Bockstein homomorphism ?.
  • That aside, time's arrow only points in one direction, so a source written in 1911 cannot refute a source written in 1999 . Nepaheshgar's argument is talk ) 03 : 24, 17 June 2009 ( UTC)
  • That the combination of parity and charge conjugation is broken so rarely means that this arrow only " barely " points in one direction, setting it apart from the other arrows whose direction is much more obvious.
  • This art historical byplay goes out of control, however, as Sebastian is victimized amid clues having to do with drawings of the martyrdom of St . Sebastian, who survived being pierced with arrows only to be beaten to death.