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  • The lesions include tumors of the brain or brainstem and arterio-venous malformations.
  • According to her death certificate, the cause of death was arterio-sclerotic heart disease with hypertension.
  • It keeps jumping back and forth between artho and arterio, and my head's starting to spin.
  • The capacitance, also known as compliance, of the arterio-vascular channels that carry the blood also controls cardiac output.
  • He has special interest in treating brain aneurysms and vascular malformations with special emphasis on arterio-venous malformations and cavernous malformations.
  • Upon returning to the United States, he was examined by neurosurgeons, and his condition was diagnosed as arterio-venous malformation.
  • He makes frequent trips to China for medical treatment for ailments including cataracts, arterio-sclerosis and cancer, now in remission.
  • Meanwhile, Nate ( Peter Krause ) learns he has Arterio-Venous Malformation ( AVM ), a disease that can possibly kill him.
  • He died at the University of California's Moffitt Hospital of uremia, complicated by arterio sclerotic heart disease, according to his death certificate.
  • The doctors reported " a markedly senile general physique ", chronic arterio-sclerosis, osteo-arthritis in most of his joints, and failing memory.
  • There are case reports of lumbar puncture resulting in perforation of abnormal dural arterio-venous malformations, resulting in catastrophic epidural hemorrhage; this is exceedingly rare.
  • The modified direct anastomosis and encephalo-myo-arterio-synangiosis play a role in this improvement by increasing cerebral blood flow ( CBF ) after the operation.
  • This effect would be called arterio-venous shunting ( of oxygenated blood ), meaning that the arterial blood never gets close to the capillaries and surroundings anyway.
  • Dr . Ommaya made several significant contributions to many areas that concern Neurological surgeons, treatment of cancer, hydrocephalus, traumatic brain injury, and Arterio-Venous Malformations.
  • After his death on 30 September 1934, the cause of death being given as cerebral thrombosis and arterio-sclerosis, existing commissions were taken over or completed by Woore.
  • However, a normal Radiograph, CT, and MRI may help to exclude other pathology such as arterio-veinous malformation, tumor, temporomandibular joint disorder, or MS.
  • Oct . 23 was the date 20 years ago when Leveille suffered a career-ending cerebral hemorrhage, brought on by an arterio-venous malformation, during a game in Vancouver.
  • Dr . Ommaya was well known for his surgical skill and in 1977 he completed a difficult removal of a spinal Arterio-Venous Malformation ( AVM ) which received attention in the lay press.
  • The pathogenesis of TAPS is based on the presence of few, minuscule arterio-venous ( AV ) placental anastomoses ( diameter < 1mm ) allowing a slow transfusion of blood from the donor to the recipient and leading gradually to highly discordant Hb levels.
  • The process of arteriogenesis can be drastically stimulated by increases in FSS ( arterio-venous fistulas ) and can be completely blocked by inhibition of NO production, by pharmacological blockade of VEGF-A, and by the inhibition of the Rho-pathway.
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