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  • At first, autophagosomes fuse with endosomes or endosome-derived vesicles.
  • The size of autophagosomes differs between mammals and yeast.
  • The formation of autophagosomes is controlled by Atg genes through Atg12-Atg5 and LC3 complexes.
  • Thapsigargin specifically inhibits the fusion of autophagosomes with lysosomes; the last step in the autophagic process.
  • Mature yeast autophagosomes fuse directly with vacuoles or lysosomes and do not form amphisomes as in mammals.
  • The formation of autophagosomes is regulated by genes that are well-conserved from yeast to higher eukaryotes.
  • Cytoplasmic constituents, including organelles, are sequestered into double-membraned autophagosomes, which subsequently fuse with lysosomes.
  • Yeast autophagosomes are about 500-900 nm, while mammalian autophagosomes are larger ( 500-1500 nm ).
  • Yeast autophagosomes are about 500-900 nm, while mammalian autophagosomes are larger ( 500-1500 nm ).
  • Interestingly, independent of autophagosomes, a single soluble LC3 is associated with an approximately 500 kDa complex in the cytoplasm.
  • Miro degradation halts their movement while mitofusin degradation prevents them from fusing with healthy mitochondria, thus facilitating their clearance by autophagosomes.
  • The ubiquitinated proteins are enclosed in autophagosomes, which eventually fuse with lysosomes, leading to the degradation of the dysfunctional proteins.
  • Research by Wang " et al " finds that infected cells lead to higher levels of autophagosomes in normal and infected cells.
  • For example, TRIM5, a restriction factor against HIV, organizes autophagic apparatus and recognizes and delivers retroviral capsid proteins for destruction in autophagosomes.
  • Three different types of autophagosomes pathways to lysosomes have been depicted called macroautophagy ( or simply autophagy ), microautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy.
  • Members of this family encode proteins that play a role in the biogenesis of autophagosomes, which sequester the cytosol and organelles for degradation by lysosomes.
  • STX17 is localized on the outer membrane of autophagosomes, but not phagophores or other autophagosome precursors, which prevents them from prematurely fusing with the lysosome.
  • Acridine orange is a versatile fluorescence dye used to stain acidic vacuoles ( lysosomes, endosomes, and autophagosomes ), RNA, and DNA in living cells.
  • LC3 is commonly used as a marker of autophagosomes in immunocytochemistry, because it is the essential part of the vesicle and stays associated until the last moment before its fusion.
  • Macroautophagy include the process of formation of autophagosomes, while microautophagy is sequestering of cytoplasm by lysosome itself and chaperone-mediated autophagy degrades only proteins including specific-signal sequence.
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