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be ploughedの例文


  • The remainder will be ploughed back into company operations.
  • "Green bridge " sources must be ploughed in as early as possible.
  • A morgen of land represented the amount of land that could be ploughed in a morning.
  • Royalties from licensing will be ploughed back into a research fund, named the McComb Foundation.
  • The provisions of the bequest stipulated that all revenue must be ploughed back into the project.
  • The remainder of funds raised through cost savings will be ploughed into news gathering, Hall said.
  • These savings could be ploughed back into product investments that added value to customers, he said.
  • Using this method about can be ploughed per day in light soils and about in heavy soils.
  • According to the CITES decision, revenue generated from the sale must be ploughed back into conservation measures.
  • They have argued that the funds derived from the exceptional sales can be ploughed back into wildlife conservation.
  • Bonnaud has said the proceeds from the sale of the CIC stake will be ploughed into the shell companies.
  • The land continued to be ploughed until 2003, when the land was acquired by the Norfolk Archaeological Trust.
  • Columella specifies that sloping ground should be ploughed between the Kalends ( 1st ) and the Ides ( 13th ).
  • Crop residues can be ploughed back into the soil, and different plants leave different amounts of nitrogen, potentially aiding synchronization.
  • The following years beans or peas were grown after which the plots had to be ploughed deeply before roses could be replanted.
  • The remains were left and today only an uneven field, which is not allowed to be ploughed, marks the site.
  • In some areas, the sugar crop had been abandoned and will be ploughed under in coming months, Hippo Valley Estates said.
  • Money raised from the auction must be ploughed back into elephant conservation and development programs for rural communities living alongside often-destructive elephant herds.
  • The two fields, which had to be ploughed during the war, were returned to grass for use as playing fields for the children.
  • Half of the earnings are to be ploughed back into the plant, and AES expects it will spend about dlrs 500 million on the project.
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