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best bowerの例文


  • Best Bower-type jokers continued to be produced well into the 20th-century.
  • The best bower anchor was discovered by Peter Koch in 15m deep water on 14 January.
  • The earliest Jokers, known as Imperial Bowers or Best Bowers, did not depict people until the late 1860s.
  • Samuel Hart is credited with printing the first illustrated " Best Bower " card in 1863 with his " Imperial Bower ".
  • The best bower anchor is on display at the South Australian Maritime Museum while the stream anchor can be seen at the National Museum of Australia.
  • After reviewing his desktop research, Seton re-organised the search and found the stream anchor about 9 metres away from the best bower anchor, several hours later.
  • If no one bids, the holder of the best Bower is oblidged to bid three, and if it then proves to be the card out of play, the deal is annulled.
  • The recovery of the anchors and their connection to the voyage of HMS " Investigator " is commemorated in the inclusion of the best bower anchor and the outline of the Australian continent on the SUHR emblem.
  • The recovery of the anchors and their connection to the voyage of the HMS " Investigator " is commemorated in the inclusion of the best bower anchor and the outline of the Australian continent on the SUHR emblem.
  • Earliest known mention of the location is by James Cook during his survey of Newfoundland on July 16, 1765, he recorded in his log : " At 7PM anchored with the best bower in a bight called Jack Fountain, in 10 fathoms water and moored with the small anchor and hawser.
  • In the trump suit, the highest card is the Joker, sometimes known as " best bower " in reference to the trump Jacks, followed by the Jack of the trump suit called " right bower ", and then the Jack of the suit of the same color as the trump suit called " left bower ", which is considered part of the trump suit, followed by the Ace, King, Queen, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, ( 4 ).