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bridged circuitの例文


  • The resistance can be set using a bridge circuit.
  • To measure such resistances, requires a bridge circuit designed to work with four terminal resistances.
  • Most common application is as a null indicating instrument in AC bridge circuits and current comparators.
  • Bridge circuits were a common way of measuring component values by comparing them to known values.
  • Earlier, Meacham had used light bulbs in bridge circuits to stabilize and linearize oscillators in 1938.
  • The "'Wien bridge "'is a type of bridge circuit that was developed by Max Wien in 1891.
  • Hello, I was looking at the Wheatstone Bridge circuit wiki : Wheatstone _ bridge and I'm a little confused.
  • Bridge circuits could be used with standard voltage cells, standard resistances, inductances or capacitances to measure or adjust other secondary standards.
  • There are bridge circuits that are not rectifiers; and there are talk ) 00 : 15, 7 December 2013 ( UTC)
  • At the time of the Wien bridge's invention, bridge circuits were a common way of measuring component values by comparing them to known values.
  • He began traveling the bridge circuit many years ago, en route to becoming a life master in 1988 at age 11, the youngest ever.
  • Blubaugh, known on the bridge circuit for his long-running criticism of the league, was barred from formal competition for 19 months for allegedly cheating.
  • A : Michael Shalhoub, born April 10, 1932, in Alexandria, Egypt, is Omar Sharif of the silver screen and Omar Sharif of the bridge circuit.
  • Schering is remembered for invention of the Schering Bridge, which is an AC bridge circuit used to measure capacitance and the dissipation factor of capacitors.
  • Series PDM modulators are used in solid state transmitters also, but the circuits are somewhat more complex, using push pull or bridge circuits for the RF section.
  • The Campbell bridge circuit can also be used to determine transformer self-inductances and mutual inductance using a variable standard mutual inductor pair for one of the bridge sides.
  • A bare-bones computing model was marketed in the form of a basic analog computer, consisting of three calibrated potentiometers and a low-cost galvanometer arranged in a Wheatstone bridge circuit.
  • In a potentiometer bridge circuit, this could be reduced to a fraction of a microampere . Vacuum tube voltmeters from the 1940's on had this high or higher input impedances.
  • :: Any short in a transistor in the bridge circuits of a variable-frequency drive will usually blow a fuse ( and maybe the " other " transistor in that half-bridge ).
  • If I see in the AFD index that the Wheatstone Bridge AFD is a band, I will not leap to its defense thinking it is an important type of electrical bridge circuit.
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