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calorimetric methodsの例文


  • "' Adair Crawford "'calorimetric methods for measuring the specific heat capacity of substances and the heat of chemical reactions.
  • For studies of hydration at very high relative humidities, a special modification of the method of sorption calorimetry  the desorption calorimetric method  was developed.
  • Other methods have been used historically, such as volumetric and calorimetric methods, as I'm sure the authors know . ( 5 ) More history of the concept would be good . ( 6 ) I appreciate the need for summary style to keep Featured Articles short, but the applications section seems rushed and random . ( 7 ) At the risk of adding yet another random example, chelation changes due to titrations might fit there nicely, with picturesque applications ranging from soils and plants ( why do blueberries grow in acidic soil ? ) to modern biochemistry ( elution of His tags from Ni columns, metal-ion binding in proteins and nucleic acids ).