简体版 繁體版 English 한국어
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  • you have no clue where fukumotosan is , right ?
    福本さんの行方は 全くわからないんでしょう?
  • four days , and we still have no clue about red sky .
    4日経っても 赤い空の原因は不明
  • the wife had no clue what the husband was up to .
    夫が何をしてたか 知らなかったと言ってる
  • the elusive clue that will unlock the mystery .
    意味不明の手掛かりが 謎を解く カギとなる
  • any clue as to what she might have discovered before she ...
  • there's gotta be some sorta clue here somewhere !
    クソッ! 何か 手がかりがあるはずだ!
  • i have no clue either , so you'll have to ask him .
    おれもわからない 聞いてみてくれよ
  • do we have to check ? there has to be a clue
    なのに 調べんの? でも きっと何かあるはずです
  • i've left a clue connecting the case to you .
    《お前さんにつながる 手がかりは残してきたよ》
  • he left a clue to tell you who he'll be copying next .
  • yeah , he didn't write a time on that clue paper .
    彼はあの紙に 時間を書いてなかった
  • maybe it'll be a clue to getting your memories back .
  • there may be a clue leading to the vacation home abroad .
    全部 見せてもらえませんか
  • we're looking for a clue to help stop the calamity .
  • at the very least , we need to find some form of clue .
  • we have to look for a witness or a clue .
    でも 悪意のある書き込みをした 人を捜し出すなんて➡
  • what if dumbo was a clue identifying the real killer ?
  • i'd like to visit every person and find a clue .
    《一人一人 訪ね 何か手掛かりを見つけたい》
  • become a clue to your secret inner evil .
    そして「心に潜む悪魔」への 糸口を与えてしまうのです
  • the clue to this came from another marine bacterium
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3