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coffee cherryの例文


  • The coffee cherries are dried in the sun, and then de-hulled in a dry state.
  • With no fertilizer there will be fewer coffee cherries.
  • The coffee cherries are sorted by immersion in water.
  • Wet fully washed processing of the coffee cherries requires the most fresh water, dry processing the least.
  • The animals eat ripe coffee cherries and their digestive process removes the outer layers of the fruit.
  • The coffee cherries are dried immediately after they are harvested through sun drying, solar drying or artificial drying.
  • The type of waste is as a result of the type of process that the coffee cherries go through.
  • The fruits  coffee cherries or coffee berries  most commonly contain two stones with their flat sides together.
  • In sun drying, the coffee cherries are placed on a clean floor and left to dry in the open air.
  • In about 5-10 % of any crop of coffee cherries, only a single bean, rather than the usual two, is found.
  • The taste of coffee cherry tea is different from coffee, and has been described as somewhat sweet and cherry flavored, surprisingly pleasant.
  • The unpicked fruit of the coffee tree, known as the coffee cherry, undergoes a long process to make it ready for consumption.
  • I would ask that all references on the coffee page of'coffee berry'be changed to'coffee fruit'or'coffee cherry'to reflect a more accurate and proper use.
  • Through the U . S . Agency for International Development proj-ect, farmers have been taught to remove peels from coffee cherries using high-tech machines.
  • Through the U . S . Agency for International Development project, farmers have been taught to remove peels from coffee cherries using high-tech machines.
  • Once the washing station was built, cooperative members learned how to deliver only the highest quality coffee cherries, the fruit that contains the beans.
  • It is commonly consumed in Bolivia, where it is referred to as "'Sultana "', and is made of sun-dried and lightly toasted coffee cherries.
  • The processing of coffee cherries is a batch process and regarding water flows, two processes can be determined : de-pulping and fermentation / washing.
  • The coffee cherries are spread out in the sun, either on large concrete or brick patios or on matting raised to waist height on trestles.
  • "Mexico has a mature crop that's being harvested now, and if bad weather knocks the coffee cherries with beans off the trees, they'll be rain-damaged and unexportable ."
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