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correct butの例文


  • The engine was said to be correct but is not confirmed.
  • I think " then " here is factually correct but unnecessary.
  • The ones currently on the Wikipedia page are correct but incomplete.
  • I believe all 4 are correct but just wanted to check.
  • The comparisons are endless, often correct but sometimes banal.
  • Everything the bureaucrats say is correct but nothing the minister says is.
  • The article sounds correct but can anyone tell me more about it?
  • Many of these constructions are grammatically correct but only out of context.
  • Do not just delete what is more correct but less frequently used.
  • :: Vranak's answer is partly correct but partly misleading.
  • His initial intuition proves to be correct but too late!
  • The content could be partially correct but the claims could be exaggerated.
  • Mfume is correct but he isn't right.
  • It is 100 % correct but just typed badly.
  • TParis is correct BUT that could cause outing issues.
  • :It's correct but unnecessary to say " in English ".
  • So Clinton did the correct but difficult thing.
  • That view is factually correct but strategically wrong.
  • Schumacher said the figures reported were not correct but declined to go into details.
  • They do not know if the intel is correct but they are risking it.
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