electromagnetic propertiesの例文
- These unit cells are designed to yield prescribed electromagnetic properties.
- In microwave physics, the electromagnetic properties of matter at microwave frequencies were studied.
- Is it chondritic as generally expected or does it contain inclusions of unexpected electromagnetic properties?
- The names and classifications of these subregions are conventions, and are only loosely based on the relative molecular or electromagnetic properties.
- "' Magnetic induction tomography "'is an electromagnetic properties of an object by using the eddy current effect.
- The spin g-factor comes from the Dirac equation, a fundamental equation connecting the electron's spin with its electromagnetic properties.
- A computational program based on this analytical solution has also been developed to solve the electromagnetic properties of high contrast grating, named High Contrast Grating Solver.
- In " The Beast of Beacon Hills ", Tracy supports Theo's order that Josh wear the Dread Doctors'mask due to its electromagnetic properties.
- The "'TRIMprob "'( Tissue Resonance InterferoMeter Probe ) is a portable system for interferometer detecting differences in electromagnetic properties in cancerous tissue.
- The Mint took great care to create the coin with the same size, weight, and electromagnetic properties as the Anthony dollar, but with a golden color.
- However, the question of aberration was put aside during much of the second half of the 19th century as focus of inquiry turned to the electromagnetic properties of aether.
- And through the miracle of electromagnetic properties, says the mint, vending machines that recognized the Susan B . Anthony as a dollar coin also will recognize the new dollar.
- Activities eventually encompassed physical electronics, electromagnetic properties of matter, microwave physics, and microwave communication principles, and the Rad Lab made fundamental advances in all of these fields.
- In-house work at the NASA Glenn Research Center has electromagnetic properties to increase the power and efficiency of terahertz amplification in two types of vacuum electronics slow wave circuits.
- In " The Beast of Beacon Hills ", Josh, due to his electrical abilities, is chosen by Theo to put on the Mask with him being compatible with its electromagnetic properties.
- He then turned his attention to a wide variety of neutron star problems concerning their electromagnetic properties, their dynamical stability, superfluid effects on their structure and properties of low density neutron stars.
- The communication range of such signals depends on both the wavelength and the electromagnetic properties of the intervening medium at the chosen frequency, and is typically limited to a few tens of meters.
- In both cases of nickel and dollar, the use of manganese in the coin was to duplicate the electromagnetic properties of a previous identically sized and valued coin in the mechanisms of vending machines.
- His research involves probing structural, hydrological and volcanic elements in terrestrial and planetary environments using different types of radar imaging and sounding techniques as well as measuring the electromagnetic properties of rocks in the radar frequency range.
- The U . S . Mint says the construction and electromagnetic properties of the new golden dollar are so similar in design to the Susan B . Anthony dollar coin that the new coin is compatible with mechanical and electromagnetic coin mechanisms currently in use.