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engineering laboratoryの例文


  • In 1898, Markovi also founded the first electrical engineering laboratory in Serbia.
  • Among the facilities there are a library, and computer and engineering laboratories.
  • It is one of the largest civil engineering laboratories in the world.
  • Glocal's engineering laboratories are located in a separate block from the classrooms.
  • She learned photo fabrication techniques in engineering laboratories with technician Jim Cummings.
  • Heavy engineering laboratories are on the ground floor or other separate workshops.
  • -- The Naval Engineering Laboratory at Port Hueneme, Calif ., near Oxnard.
  • The telegram read " Report at Ford Motor Company Engineering Laboratory, Dearborn ."
  • From this post he was subsequently promoted to Chief, Flight Test Engineering Laboratory.
  • Having acquired Systems Engineering Laboratories Gould became involved in the Superminicomputer computer business.
  • Kallman worked for the US Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey
  • The Idaho National Engineering Laboratory suggested mixing it with cement for shielding canisters.
  • While in the United States Navy, Martin was a nuclear engineering laboratory technician.
  • He served in Marshall's Propulsion and Vehicle Engineering Laboratory, eventually becoming its director.
  • Although no longer with Ford, he continued to operate his Stout Engineering Laboratory.
  • Another was the Sheffield Scientific School and their Electrical Engineering Laboratory.
  • This technology will be developed by the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.
  • The Computer Engineering Laboratory was upgraded with its 30 unit fully air-conditioned computer laboratory.
  • He now continues his research in the biomechanical engineering laboratories at Johns Hopkins University.
  • He has also made numerous presentations at government and industrial engineering laboratories and conferences.
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