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etran finatawaの例文


  • In 2013 he travelled to Niger to produce an album for Etran Finatawa, recorded in a tent in the Sahara desert.
  • The music of Etran Finatawa blends the traditional music of the Wodaabe and Tuareg people with western instruments such as the electric guitar.
  • Tinariwen and other groups such as Etran Finatawa and, to a lesser extent, Tartit, feature Tishoumaren along with other traditional Tamasheq styles.
  • In 2007, their debut album " Introducing Etran Finatawa " ( 2006 ) was nominated for a BBC Radio Award for World Music.
  • The Introducing label has had a number of releases including features for Ethiopian reggae-fusion project Invisible System, and Saharan blues band Etran Finatawa.
  • "' Etran Finatawa "'is a Niger-based band, formed in 2004 during the Festival au D閟ert near Timbuktu, Mali.
  • The Niger-based band " Etran Finatawa " combines Tuareg and " Wodaabe " members, playing a combination of traditional instruments and electric guitars.
  • The 2009 festival saw performances from Jazz Jamaica, The Jive Aces, Hjtalin, Etran Finatawa, The Magnolia Sisters, John Otway, Blyth Spirit, Flamboyant Bella and Exit Avenue.
  • Part of the World Music Network Rough Guides series, the album contains two discs : an overview of the genre on Disc One, and a " bonus " Disc Two highlighting Etran Finatawa.
  • Since 1979 he has been a member of the British progressive-rock band Daniel Kahn & the Painted Bird ( USA ) Krar Collective ( Ethiopia ), Etran Finatawa ( Niger ) and 9Bach ( Wales ) amongst others.
  • The Niger-based band " Etran Finatawa " is composed of Wodaabe and Tuareg members and creates their unique style of " Nomad Blues " by combining modern arrangements and electric guitars with more traditional instruments and polyphonic Wodaabe singing.