- Following the death of Gambhirananda, the 11th president of the Order, in 1989, he became the 12th president.
- :" And since this is an instruction in the form of an imagery, just as in the case of honey etc ., therefore there is no incongruity . " ( Translated by Swami Gambhirananda)
- Swami Nikhilananda wrote " Vivekananda : A Biography " which was first published in 1943 from Advaita Ashrama . " Yuganayak Vivekananda ", written by Swami Gambhirananda was first published in 1966 1967.
- According to Swami Gambhirananda, Sankara's commentary explains that God cannot be charged with partiality or cruelty ( i . e . injustice ) on account of his taking the factors of virtuous and vicious actions ( Karma ) performed by an individual in previous lives.
- Swami Gambhirananda explains that the phrase-" Brahma-jij?s ", literally means-' a wish to know Brahman'; and a wish invariably proceeds spontaneously from the knowledge that something is achievable by effort and that when achieved would lead to desirable results.
- According to Swami Gambhirananda of Ramakrishna Mission, Sankara's commentary explains that God cannot be charged with partiality or cruelty ( i . e . injustice ) on account of his taking the factors of virtuous and vicious actions ( Karma ) performed by an individual in previous lives.
- Swami Gambhirananda explains that the state where the sleeper does not desire any enjoyable thing and does not see any dream is deep sleep, and Prjna is the doorway to the experience of the dream and waking states . " Prj馻 " is the Self as the universal person in deep sleep.