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gene locusの例文


  • The gene locus, TAS2R16, also tells a story about bitter taste evolution.
  • Polygyne colony queens are heterozygous ( Bb ) at the Gp-9 gene locus.
  • This DNA sequence has assigned to a gene locus on human chromosome 10.
  • The PDU BMC is typically encoded by a 21 gene locus.
  • Mutations in PAP1 underlie autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa mapped to the RP9 gene locus.
  • In bumblebees, sex is actually determined by a single gene locus with many alleles.
  • The gene locus of MSRV env has not been determined.
  • Ultimately, the tumorigenesis of schwannomas is not solely dependent on one gene locus alone.
  • In many Hymenoptera, sex is actually determined by a single gene locus with many alleles.
  • Supravalvular aortic stenosis is associated with genetic damage at the Elastin gene locus on chromosome 7q11.23.
  • Both ends of this DNA strand are engineered to be identical to this specific gene locus.
  • In contrast, platyrrhines have only a single, polymorphic X chromosome M / L opsin gene locus.
  • Linkage is a problem for population genetic models that treat one gene locus at a time.
  • Chromosomal translocation around the cyclin D1 gene locus is often seen in B mantle cell lymphoma.
  • As a result, IPS has been identified to have its own gene locus making it easier to diagnose.
  • In 2006, researchers at Saga University in Japan reported that primary palmar hyperhidrosis maps to gene locus 14q11.2 q13.
  • It is not the case that one gene locus is responsible, say with brown dominant to blue eye color.
  • So far, only one gene locus on chromosome six has shown a strong correlation with reading difficulties, Cardon said.
  • Chromosomal translocation of the cyclin D1 gene locus is also observed in 15  20 % of multiple myelomas.
  • Class switching occurs in the heavy chain gene locus by a mechanism called class switch recombination ( CSR ).
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