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gene markerの例文


  • The most likely match for gene markers comes from brothers, sisters or twins, Caliandro said.
  • However they used the same methodology ( same gene markers ) and same data samples like Arnaiz-Villena et al.
  • The network could show researchers and physicians what treatments work for people with similar characteristics, ailments and, eventually, gene markers.
  • The presentation was from one of the Neurologists who examined the family and was tasked with looking for gene markers for them.
  • Reeves " et al . ", using 250 clones of chromosome-21 and specific gene markers, were able to map the gene in mutated bacteria.
  • Using harmless gene markers rather than actual transgenes, Ellstrand found that wind-carried pollen could create hybrid seeds over 300 feet away from the original crop.
  • Other gene markers of progression risk includes tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 3 ( TIMP3 ), suggesting a role for intracellular matrix metabolism in AMD progression.
  • Bhlhb5 is a gene marker in the mouse brain, which is involved in differentiation of caudal identity in layer V neurons of the developing cortex, and is regulated by TBR1.
  • When 12-year-old Jake Dunigan's lab tests revealed a gene marker for diabetes and evidence that his body was beginning to destroy its ability to produce insulin, no one was surprised.
  • In addition, the counselor recommended that Ellie undergo an ultrasound examination twice a year, and have a blood test for a gene marker called CA-125, to check for ovarian cancer.
  • Multigene linkage studies are prone to false positive results, he said, which simply means that some gene markers crop up by chance and are not related to the disease that is being studied.
  • But Gene Ebers, a neurogeneticist at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, looked for Hamer's gene marker among more than 40 pairs of gay Canadian brothers and could not find a correlation.
  • But any bioengineering of this virus raises the specter of what the gene marker experiment is itself aimed at preparing for : the development of a vaccine-resistant virus or one that kills at a higher rate than the 30 percent historic rate for smallpox.
  • It is a tendon-specific gene marker known to be important for tendon maturation with key implications for the residing tendon stem / progenitor cells ( TSPCs ) as well as for the regulation of endothelial cell migration in chordae tendineae cordis in the heart and in experimental tumour models.
  • "They stick to their knitting, " said Mark Skolnick, the chief scientist at Myriad Genetic Inc ., which is one of the biggest companies in the state's emerging genetics corridor, clustered around the University of Utah, where Skolnick was a professor and a pioneer in the discovery of the gene marker for breast cancer.
  • The original method proposed by Falk and Rubinstien fell under scrutiny in 1989, when Ott showed the equivalence of HRR to the classical RR method demonstrating the HRR holds only when there is zero chance of linkage; Yet, when the recombination factor for a gene marker and its locus are > 0 there is no tendency for false positives seen.