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hyperactive disorderの例文


  • These studies validate the prescription of stimulants for individuals with hyperactive disorders.
  • Galtiani said Tyler has attention deficit hyperactive disorder.
  • For example, stimulants like Ritalin can produce state-dependent memory effects in children with hyperactive disorders.
  • Because ofR5SCg7Krug use, the Barriers said, Devin suffers from attention deficit hyperactive disorder, and he has nightmares.
  • Before the murders, Franklin was being treated for attention deficit hyperactive disorder that his doctor said was accompanied by depression.
  • Because of Shari's drug use, the Barriers said, Devin suffers from attention deficit hyperactive disorder, and he has nightmares.
  • Ritalin is the brand name for methylphenidate, a stimulant prescribed to children and some adults with attention deficit / hyperactive disorder ( ADHD ).
  • I theorize that sensitive children who are difficult in temperament or children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( ADHD ) are more prone to defensiveness.
  • The results show that the state of consciousness produced through use of these drugs improves cognitive focus in those with hyperactive disorders when taken consistently.
  • Attention deficit hyperactive disorder ( ADHD ), autism spectrum disorder ( ASD ), and physical and developmental delays must be diagnosed by a physician.
  • "' Noble Academy "'is an Attention Deficit / Hyperactive Disorder ( ADHD ) or Central Auditory Processing Disorder ( CAPD ).
  • "My attention is constantly shifting, " said Atwater-Rhodes, who jokes about being " a little " affected by attention deficit hyperactive disorder.
  • It typically includes dyslexia, a reading impairment that can damage a child's performance in other areas, and sometimes includes Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.
  • The arbitrator overruled the commissioner, saying Howe had not received help for an " underlying psychiatric disorder, " which turned out to be attention deficit hyperactive disorder.
  • Some mental-health researchers report that some of the symptoms of bipolar disorder in children and attention deficit hyperactive disorder may be similar, although their origins are thought to differ.
  • Some research suggests that genetic differences in the receptors may account for problems such as attention deficit hyperactive disorder, the condition that hinders the ability of some people to concentrate on immediate tasks.
  • "' Coppice Spring School "'( formerly "'Grangeside School "') is a secondary school in attention deficit and hyperactive disorders, and compulsive disorders.
  • It was also revealed this year that Max Turner, son of Kylie and stepson of David Platt, has attention deficit hyperactive disorder ( ADHD ) and he needs medication to control his illness.
  • Her main research interests are the parts of the brain that get activated when people take certain addictive drugs, specifically attention deficit hyperactive disorder ( ADHD ) medicine ( Adderall and Ritalin ), cocaine, and antidepressants.
  • Attention deficit disorder and hyperactive disorder ( both formerly known as minimal brain damage, but nicely renamed by the drug companies ) do exist, and it would be cruel to withhold Ritalin from children who suffer from them.
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