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  • i instructed yusopov to just shoot the bastard .
    いかさま野郎を撃てをヤスポフに 指示した
  • master has instructed me to exterminate you .
    あなたたちを排除せよという マスターのご命令です
  • that mere i was instructed to take this taxi
    あの 私はこのタクシーに乗れと 指示されただけで
  • i've been instructed not to communicate with you , marks .
  • she's been instructed to stop . do not fire .
    船には既に停止命令が出ているから 砲撃しないでくれ
  • yes , sir . again i instructed him to show his hands .
    そうです 両手を見せろと言うと―
  • i have been instructed to offer your grace a proposal .
  • they've been instructed to shoot us down if we try to descend .
  • have they been instructed to leave their doors open ? mmhmm .
  • and instructed the 3 to tell matching stories
    「大山修治選手が 日頃から 胸の痛みを訴えていた」などと
  • we will deploy , as you've instructed , master .
    命令通りに配置します、 マスター
  • i was instructed not to take you home .
    あなたを家に 連れて行かないように命じられました
  • we've been instructed to escort you into the city .
    あなた様を街へお連れしろと 指示されております
  • i took him off it as you instructed . he's just on morphine now .
  • i was instructed to show you around the school during lunch break .
  • we will do exactly as the council has instructed .
  • madam , i was instructed by your husband
    奥様 あの事件は 私が旦那様に指示を受けて
  • revise the patients' charts as instructed .
    指示どおり 患者のカルテを訂正して。
  • i've been instructed to limit your interaction with civilians .
    一般人とは 接触させるなと
  • it seems everyone else was instructed to do so , too .
    皆さんにも そう指示を されていたそうですね。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3