lasagna codeの例文
- In general, client server applications are frequently lasagna code, with well-defined interfaces between client and server.
- One common instance of lasagna code occurs at the interface between different subsystems, such as between web application code, business logic, and a relational database.
- Another common programming technique, alternate hard and soft layers ( use of different programming languages at different levels of the program architecture ), tends to produce lasagna code.
- He is credited with coining the term lasagna code and popularizing Michael J . Kamfonas'nested set model for trees in SQL, a taxonomy of data encoding schemes, and several other design patterns in SQL DDL and DML.
- Lasagna code generally enforces encapsulation between the different " layers ", as the subsystems in question may have no means of communication other than through a well-defined mechanism, such as SQL, a foreign function interface, or a remote procedure call.