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  • The successor of Meletius was Euzoeus, who had fallen with Arius under the ban of Athanasius; and Loofs explains the " sub fidei mutatio " which Saint Jerome ascribes to Meletius to the dogmatic opposition of the deposed bishop to his successor.
  • That the Damascene was really the compiler of the " Sacra Parallela ", and that he used as his principal source the " Capita theologica ", a florilegium of Maximus Confessor, has been maintained firmly ( against Friedrich Loofs, Paul Wendland, and Jonas Cohn ) by Karl Holl.
  • This explanation, however, is rejected by G . F . Loofs-the sermon contains nothing inconsistent with the Acacian position favoured by the court party; on the other hand, there is evidence of conflicts with the clergy, quite apart from any questions of orthodoxy, which may have led to the bishop's deposition.
  • Before long its material was recast in strict alphabetical order; took the name of ?? ???? par醠lela, " Sacra Parallela " ( because in the third book a virtue and a vice had been regularly opposed to one another ); and was attributed widely to John Damascene, whose authority was defended ( against Loofs, Wendland, and Cohn ) by K . Holl in the above-mentioned " Fragmente vornik鋘ischer Kirchenv鋞er " ( Leipzig, 1899 ), though the Damascene probably based his work on the " Capita theologica " of Maximus Confessor.