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oxygen isotopesの例文


  • The oxygen isotope ratios in their shells are used as proxies for temperature.
  • The liquid-vapor equilibrium fractionations for hydrogen and oxygen isotopes are temperature-dependent:
  • Fossil oxygen isotopes, which can reveal an organism's body temperature, should be particularly informative.
  • It produced water enriched with heavy oxygen isotopes commonly used in medical diagnostic procedures.
  • He also collaborated with Harold Urey on separating oxygen isotopes.
  • oxygen isotope stage 11 ( 420 to 360 kya ).
  • Chondrite meteorites are classified using the oxygen isotope ratios.
  • Oxygen isotope ratios are not perfect proxies, however.
  • The type of oxygen isotope that a carbonate incorporates into its structure depends greatly on temperature.
  • Such a pattern seems to fit the information on climate change found in oxygen isotope cores.
  • Oxygen isotope ratios are measured relative the standard, V-SMOW ( Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water ).
  • Oxygen isotope analysis indicates that the Guacha caldera ignimbrites have had little influence from meteoric waters.
  • Analyses of oxygen isotopes in dinosaur bones have also been used as evidence of a warm-blooded metabolism.
  • Similar to their study on other proxies, paleoclimatologists examine oxygen isotopes in the contents of ocean sediments.
  • Oxygen isotope values from high latitudes : clues for Permian sea-surface temperature gradients and Late Paleozoic deglaciation.
  • He dated the core samples with a widely used technique that measures the presence of oxygen isotopes.
  • Oxygen isotopes in fossil brachiopods show its duration may have been only 0.5 to 1.5 million years.
  • In the late 1940s, he established a semi-industrial facility separating oxygen isotopes on the Weizmann Institute s campus.
  • Climate change during the last 65 million years as expressed by the oxygen isotope composition of benthic foraminifera.
  • The theory can't explain puzzling similarities in the Earth and the moon's concentrations of oxygen isotopes, Spudis says.
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