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  • pendolino in italy , the europe-first high-speed line , whose construction had started in 1970 , started a partial operation in 1978 , started a 250-km/h operation in 1983 , but fell behind germany and france in later development efforts , with the operation of the entire planned line starting as late as 1992 .
  • from 2007 , for the high-speed train-cars (200 km/h to 250 km/h ) on existing railway lines , crh1-type train-cars (crh is the abbreviation of ' china railway high-speed ' ), based on regina in sweden (from bombardier in canada ), crh5-type train-cars , based on pendolino etr600 train cars in italy (from alsthom in france ), and crh2-type train-cars , ' kodanto ' (bullet ), based on e2 shinkansen train-cars (from kawasaki heavy industries rolling stock company ), have been introduced , and then for beijing–tianjin intercity railway that started operation between beijing and tianjin city for the beijing olympic games in 2008 , crh3-type train-cars , based on the crh2-type passenger train-car specifications and on ice in germany (from siemens ), have been introduced .
    2007年から主要都市間の在来線高速化 (200 - 250km/h) 用にスウェーデンのRegina (鉄道車両)(カナダ・ボンバルディア製)をベースにした中国高速鉄道CRH1型電車(CRHは“China Railway High-Speed”の略)、イタリアのペンドリーノETR600電車(フランス・アルストム製)をベースにした中国高速鉄道CRH5型電車と共にJR東日本の新幹線E2系電車(川崎重工業車両カンパニー製)をベースにした中国高速鉄道CRH2型電車「子弾頭」が、2008年の北京オリンピックに合わせ開業した北京 - 天津市間の北京・天津高速鉄道 (350km/h) にはCRH2型の旅客専用線仕様とドイツのICE(シーメンス製)をベースにした中国高速鉄道CRH3型電車が導入された。