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  • the radiance of the galaxy gathers in my body !
  • the radiance of the galaxy ... is collecting in my body !
    ザッ 銀河の光よ
  • the radiance of the galaxy ... is collecting in my body !
  • your radiance tonight has rendered me almost speechless .
  • look at the radiance and how elegant it is .
    ほら この輝き そして この気品
  • oh my ! you have a rare radiance , eh ...
    おや 珍しい輝きをお持ちですね
  • the radiance of the galaxy gathers in my body !
  • i activate the magic card , radiance of hell , from my hand .
    私は手札からマジックカード 奈落の閃光を発動。
  • i activate the magic card , radiance of hell , from my hand .
    私は手札からマジックカード 奈落の閃光を発動。
  • t kagayaki no hakobune ark of radiance
    こんなとこ 初めて見た。
  • tau radiance fills the galaxy !
  • takuto of the radiance
    初舞台の相手が タクト君で よかった。
  • takuto of the radiance
  • you must understand that blood and breath are only elements undergoing change to fuel your radiance .
    理解しなくてはならない; 血と呼吸だけが 君の輝きをさらに増すことのできる
  • the bell is imagined to have given off a gold radiance at first , and to have flaunted the owner ' s wealth and dignity with the radiance .
  • the bell is imagined to have given off a gold radiance at first , and to have flaunted the owner ' s wealth and dignity with the radiance .
  • however , none of the artist-monks noticed the girl ' s true face because they were all down on their knees before her radiance and with their gratefulness .