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republic of camerounの例文


  • In 1960 the French colony of Cameroon became independent as the Republic of Cameroun.
  • The Human Rights Commission recommended that the Respondent State ( Republic of Cameroun ) should among other things enter into constructive dialogue with the Complainants, and in particular SCNC and SCAPO, to resolve the constitutional issues, as well as grievances.
  • The Human Rights Commission declared itself incompetent " rationae temporis ", to rule on allegations that occurred prior to 18 December 1989, date on which the African Charter came into force for the Respondent State ( Republic of Cameroun ).
  • The Human Rights Commission also noted that in their submission, the Respondent State ( Republic of Cameroun ) implicitly accepted that self-determination may be exercisable by the Complainants on condition that they establish cases of massive violations of human rights, or denial of participation in public affairs.
  • As noted, the name Ambazonia was used in 1984 by Fon Gorji-Dinka ( leader of the Ambazonia pressure group ), when the parliament and government of the Republic of Cameroon changed the name of the country from the " United Republic of Cameroon " back to the pre-reunification name of the French Cameroun, the " Republic of Cameroun ".
  • Pro-independence groups claim that UN Resolution 1608 21 April 1961, which required the UK, the Government of the Southern Cameroons and Republic of Cameroun to engage in talks with a view to agreeing measures for union of the two countries, was not implemented, and that the Government of the United Kingdom was negligent in terminating its trusteeship without ensuring that proper arrangements were made.
  • Hence, the Human Rights Commission declared itself incompetent to rule on the complainants'allegations with respect to events that occurred from the 1961 United Nations plebiscite to 1972 when the Federal and Union Constitutions were adopted to form the United Republic of Cameroon during which the Complainants claim the Respondent State ( Republic of Cameroun ) " . . . established its colonial rule there, complete with its structures, and its administrative, military and police personnel, applying a system and operating in a language alien to the Southern Cameroon . " The Human Rights Commission stated, however that, if the Complainants can establish that any violation committed before 18 December 1989 continued thereafter, then the Commission shall have competence to examine it.