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storage houseの例文


  • After that, it was used as a storage house by the district.
  • Inside the converted storage house, the setting was far less placid.
  • Henry expanded the brewery in 1907 by building a new brewhouse and storage house.
  • The storage housing is standard and fits any like-caliber weapon.
  • The station included the stationmaster's quarters and a storage house.
  • Four kittens were transferred to the general warehouses, while three remained in the cold-storage house.
  • This week's photo shoot took place in a cold storage house with the photographer Matt McCabe.
  • Within the Works, Nixon leased to the Ammonite Company a storage house located from its buildings.
  • Sub-topics within this section may include display and storage housing, packing and transport, and integrated pest management.
  • It consists of two main components : the twin-drum storage housing, and an interchangeable feed clip assembly.
  • They chose instead to relegate it to a storage house, rather than to destroy the original work.
  • After the 1790s, it was mothballed, a storage house for royal artwork and, for a time, potatoes.
  • He was arrested in 1907 in Omaha, for the burglary of a storage house at Council Bluffs, Iowa.
  • Other rooms used by the family for storage house a display dedicated to the author's life and work.
  • From 1879 the manor was owned by Aleksander PawBowski, who used the Chopin's birthplace as a storage house.
  • U . S . spy satellites recently detected covered trucks apparently taking on cargo near the storage house.
  • This storage house in Vancouver burned down to the ground, and the fire department does not know the cause.
  • U . S . spy satellites have recently detected covered trucks apparently taking on cargo near the storage house.
  • Paddy storage house, stationary shops, grocery shops, garment shops etc . were on the east side near Bolpur railway station.
  • "' Swampscott Fish House "'is a historic fishing supply storage house off Humphrey Street on Fisherman's Beach in Swampscott, Massachusetts.
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