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universidad de buenos airesの例文


  • He teaches Philosophy of History at the Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Adrian has a degree in public accounting from Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • At 16 she entered the Universidad de Buenos Aires to study literature.
  • Daniel is a veterinarian from Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Gerardo is a veterinarian from Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Later, in 1961, Singer became professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • He is professor and researcher at Universidad de Buenos Aires and University of Maryland.
  • He graduated from the School of Architecture at the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 1948.
  • Dickenstein obtained her Ph . D . from the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 1982.
  • Silvia Quintela and Abel Madariaga met as students at the Universidad de Buenos Aires School of Medicine.
  • He was also a History of Education in the Philosophy faculty of the Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • The preselected group of applicants had then to conduct another exam at the Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Daniel Novegil studied Industrial Engineering in Universidad de Buenos Aires ( UBA ) from 1970 to 1975.
  • He studied at the Universidad de Buenos Aires from which he graduated as a civil engineer in 1943.
  • Despues de graduarse de ingenieria en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Leonardo Gannio comenzo a reparar maquinaria pesada.
  • La estaci髇 se encuentra en cercan韆s de la Facultad de Filosof韆 y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Loffreda graduated in civil engineering at Universidad de Buenos Aires and was sales manager for Argentine textile and footwear company Alpargatas.
  • Mayoral possesses a law degree from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and a doctorate in international relations from the Universidad del Salvador.
  • In 1951, he travelled to Argentina and began practicing as an attorney while teaching law at the Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Dario has an MBA from Fordham University ( Beta Gama Sigma Society ) and a bachelor of business administration from Universidad de Buenos Aires.
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