- "Titanosaurus indicus " was perhaps the first dinosaur discovered in India by Richard Lydekker in 1877 in the Narmada valley.
- He also contributed an account of the Echinoderms to Lydekker's " A Manual of Palaeontology " ( 1889 ).
- More complete material from Madagascar had in 1895 been named by Richard Lydekker as a fifth species : " Bothriospondylus madagascariensis ".
- He named a variety of taxa including the golden-bellied mangabey; as a taxon authority he is named simply as " Lydekker ".
- Its type specimen is differing from the earlier " Megalosaurus woodwardi " ( Lydekker, 1909 ), the two names are not synonyms.
- Later, Richard Lydekker assigned the two species to a new genus, named " Leithia " in honour of Leith Adams in 1895.
- Six days later on 12 February 1913, Lydekker wrote again, confessing that " the note was uttered by a bricklayer's labourer ".
- Also in 1877, Richard Lydekker named another relative of " Cetiosaurus ", " Titanosaurus ", based on an isolated vertebra.
- It was originally described as a distinct species by Oldfield Thomas in 1892, but was subsequently re-evaluated as a subspecies by Richard Lydekker in 1912.
- The genus was quickly abandoned however : already in 1889 Richard Lydekker assigned the species to " Camptosaurus ", as " Camptosaurus prestwichii ".
- The species was first described by Richard Lydekker in 1889 . It was the most common marine reptile living in the inlands of the sea around Queensland, Australia.
- However, already Lydekker pointed out that the serrations could have been worn off, and the greater flatness could have been caused by a compression of the fossil.
- In addition the town has large green public spaces available in Rothamsted Park, Batford Park, Kinsbourne Green, Lydekker Park and the Nicky Line which bisects the town.
- Hull and two other pilots, South African Pilot Officer Jack Falkson and Naval Lieutenant Tony Lydekker, volunteered to be detached to an improvised scramble having only partially refuelled.
- The first became " Titanosaurus Valdensis ", the specific name referring to the Wealden, the second " Titanosaurus Lydekkeri ", its specific name honouring Lydekker.
- However, the supposed procellariiform genus " Neptunavis " is actually a pseudotooth bird too, and hence the smaller " species " is here synonymized as proposed by Lydekker.
- In 1889, Richard Lydekker named " Megalosaurus oweni ", the specific name honouring Owen, based on a series of metatarsals from the Early Cretaceous, specimen BMNH R2556.
- In 1889, Richard Lydekker renamed " Cryptosaurus " as he believed the name " Cryptosaurus " was already previously in use for another animal ( " Cystosaurus"
- Only known from a coracoid described by Richard Lydekker in 1891, whether it is indeed distinct from the living species and not just a paleosubspecies needs to be studied, given its late age.
- Falkson's plane crashed after mud clung to its wheels, and while Lydekker took off successfully, he had so little fuel that Hull almost immediately ordered him to land to add more.