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sparse codeの例文


  • The simplest way is to add " k " binary features to each sample, where each feature " j " has value one Ng note that certain variants of " k "-means behave similarly to sparse coding algorithms.
  • For example, the very large set of English sentences can be encoded by a small number of symbols ( i . e . letters, numbers, punctuation, and spaces ) combined in a particular order for a particular sentence, and so a sparse coding for English would be those symbols.
  • This motivates why wavelet transforms are now being adopted for a vast number of applications, often replacing the conventional brain rhythms, DNA analysis, protein analysis, climatology, human sexual response analysis, general signal processing, speech recognition, acoustics, vibration signals, computer graphics, multifractal analysis, and sparse coding.
  • More formally, given a k-dimensional set of real-numbered input vectors \ vec { \ xi } \ in \ mathbb { R } ^ { k }, the goal of sparse coding is to determine n k-dimensional sparse n-dimensional vector of weights or coefficients \ vec { s } \ in \ mathbb { R } ^ { n } for each input vector, so that a linear combination of the basis vectors with proportions given by the coefficients results in a close approximation to the input vector : \ vec { \ xi } \ approx \ sum _ { j = 1 } ^ { n } s _ { j } \ vec { b } _ { j }.
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