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"しゅか"の例文"しゅか" 意味"しゅか" 中国語の意味


  • しゅか
    wine shop
    liquor store
    heavy drinker
    employer's house
  • しゅ     しゅ 種 kind variety species 腫 tumor 主 (one's) master (our) lord 侏 actor
  •      か 乎 question mark 加 addition increase 蚊 mosquito 課 counter for chapters (of a
  • いくしゅか    いくしゅか 育種家 (plant) breeder
  • いんしゅか    いんしゅか 飲酒家 a drinker
  • しゅかい    しゅかい 首魁 forerunner ringleader
  • しゅかく    しゅかく 主客 host and guest principal and auxiliary 酒客 drinker 主格 nominative case
  • しゅかん    しゅかん 主幹 chief editor managing editor manager 主管 supervision management supervisor manager 手翰 letter 主観 subjectivity subject ego 手簡 letter
  • しゅかくほご    しゅかくほご 主格補語 subject complement
  • しゅかんせい    しゅかんせい 主観性 subjectivity
  • しゅかんてき    しゅかんてき 主観的 subjectivity subject ego
  • しゅかんろん    しゅかんろん 主観論 subjectivism
  • てんしゅかく    てんしゅかく 天守閣 castle tower
  • しゅかんしゅぎ    しゅかんしゅぎ 主観主義 subjectivism
  • しゅかくてんとう    しゅかくてんとう 主客転倒 主客顛倒 reversing the order of (relative) importance (of) putting the cart before the horse mistaking the insignificant for the essential mistaking the means for the end


  • Well ! ah , are you , what a good kid you are .
    元気! ああ そうでしゅか いい子だね~。
  • Is there anything you can do ?
  • Is there anything you can do ?
  • The generally used term is tenshukaku (keep or tower ), a reference which appeared around the meiji period .
  • The transcript was written as shukamadai , sokabattei , shumadai and so on , and was translated as anraku , gokuraku , myoraku , and so on .
  • After takamori had been deprived of his court rank as a ringleader of the seinan war (satsuma rebellion ), his family and relatives lived secretly in kagoshima .
  • Monk-imperial prince shukaku (april 3 , 1150 - september 13 , 1202 ) was a member of the imperial family and a monk from the late heian period to the early kamakura period .
    守覚法親王(しゅかくほっしんのう、久安6年3月4日(1150年4月3日) - 建仁2年8月26日(1202年9月13日))は、平安時代後期から鎌倉時代初期にかけての皇族・僧。
  • The conservative revolution (konservative revolution ) is a general name that armin mohler , a german intellectual historian , gave to a set of anti-nazi and nationalist intellectual trends during the weimar republic .
    保守革命(ほしゅかくめい、Konservative Revolution)とは、ドイツの思想史家のアルミン・モーラー (Armin Mohler) がヴァイマル共和政時代の、非ナチス的でナショナリズム的な一連の思想に与えた総称である。
  • Jodai tokushu kanazukai is japanese phonetic orthography used in ancient japan (around the nara period ), which can be observed in the documents written in manyo-gana (chinese characters used as phonetic characters ) such as " kojiki " (the records of ancient matters ), " nihon shoki " (chronicles of japan ) and " manyoshu " (collection of ten thousand leaves ).
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