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"つか"の例文"つか" 意味"つか" 中国語の意味


  • つか



    hilt (of a sword)
    haft (of a dagger)
  • つかつか    つかつか walking briskly determinedly
  • つかつかと     つかつかと adv. **straight まっすぐに∥ He came straight at me. 彼は私のところにつかつかとやって来た *directly まっすぐに∥ He walked directly up to me. 彼はつかつかと私に近づいてきた.
  • ―つかい     ―つかい [―使い] ?→ヘビ使い ?→おべっか使い ?→金使いの荒い人 ?→人使いの荒い人 ?→声色使い つかい [使い] n. ①[用事] 〔用足し, 買い物〕 *errand 【C】 使い走り∥ send him on an errand 彼を使いに出す / Don't delay on this errand. 使いの途中で道草をくうな / go on
  • いつか    いつか 何時か sometime someday one day some time or other the other day in due course in time 五日 five days the fifth day (of the month)
  • つかい    つかい 使い 遣い errand message messenger bearer use usage trainer tamer mission familiar spirit going as envoy
  • つかう    つかう 遣う to dispatch to send to donate 使う to use to handle to manipulate to employ to need to want to spend to consume to speak (English) to practise (fencing) to take (one's lunch) to circulate (bad
  • つかえ     つかえ [支え] ?→胸の支え
  • つかす    つかす 尽かす to be disgusted with to give up on
  • つかみ    つかみ 掴み grip
  • つかむ    つかむ 掴む to seize to catch to grasp to grip to grab to hold to catch hold of to lay one's hands on
  • つかる    つかる 漬かる to be pickled to be soaked
  • つかれ    つかれ 疲れ tiredness fatigue
  • ねつか    ねつか 熱価 "heat value, heating value, thermal value"
  • はつか    はつか 廿日 二十日 twenty days twentieth (day of the month)
  • ふつか    ふつか 二日 second day of the month two days


  • Someday you will be able to go to senior stars
    つか 先輩の星にも行けるようになるんですかね
  • If i keep this up , i really will get arrested
    このままじゃ いつか 本当に捕まっちゃうな 俺
  • The oil is only to help you grasp the concept .
    油は きっかけを つかむためのものじゃと。
  • The oil is only to help you grasp the concept .
    油は きっかけを つかむためのものじゃと。
  • Is this what they call misery makes strange bedfellows .
  • I haven't found her yet . but she has to be here .
    まだ見つからないが ここにいるはずだ
  • It would be very difficult to judge who made it
    どのメーカー製か 見分けがつかないでしょう
  • Have you not considered how you're gonna do this ?
    話の切り出し方も 思いつかないのか?
  • If you looking , i'm sure you'll find friends .
    仲間といれば きっと 何かが見つかるはずです
  • So the first steps of the story that i told you about
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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