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"純利益"の例文"純利益" 意味"純利益" 中国語の意味


  • 純利益
    net income
    net profit
  • 純利     純利 じゅんり net profit
  • 利益     利益 りえき profits gains (political, economic) interest
  •      益 えき やく gain benefit profit use advantage being beneficial (useful,
  • 予想純利益    net expected yield
  • 企業純利益    enterprise net income
  • 売上純利益    net profit on sales
  • 当期純利益    1. current net earnings 2. current net income 3. current net profit 4. current term net income 5. current term net profit 6. net income for the current year 7. net income for the year 8. net profit
  • 最終純利益    net-net
  • 目標純利益    target net profit
  • 純利益法    1. net income method 2. net profit approach
  • 純利益計画    net profit plan
  • 連結純利益    連結純利益 れんけつじゅんりえき consolidated net profit
  • 修正後純利益    adjusted net profit
  • 償却前純利益    1. net income before depreciation〔 【略】 NIBD〕 2. net profit before depreciation
  • 償却後純利益    net profit after depreciation


  • Skechers's net income was 209 million dollars .
    スケッチャーズの純利益は 257億円でした
  • Generally , the gross profit on the sales amount of a funeral home is approximately 40-60% and the net profit is in the single-digit percent , which makes the profit almost nothing if a middleman is involved .
  • Upon benichu ' s open , he established a store law and employed rieki-sanbun-shugi (a financial system dividing profits to three categories ) to allot the 50% of the net profit to his family , 30% to reserve fund of the main store and 20% to employee ' s salary , and it was called ' mitsuwarigin .'
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