Tonight we're happy to announce the government will be supplying our miracle drug , denoxin to every man and woman in uniform . どうぞ喜んで 当社デノキシンの 軍における運用が公式に決定 すべての軍人 一兵卒に至るまで
However , their attentiveness to details and excellent designs suggest that they are higher in quality than those used by common soldiers . しかしこれらとて細部まで神経の行き届いた作りの良さから、一般の兵卒用よりは、かなり上等なものであろう。
All the survivors who were nonofficial soldiers were from mountain-ringed regions and normally helped matagi hunter groups or worked in charcoal making . 兵卒の生存者は全員山間部の出身で、普段はマタギの手伝いや炭焼きに従事している者達だった。
On january 28 , in the group of captain kuraishi , sergeant major sato jumped into a river along with a noncommissioned officer and froze to death . 1月28日には倉石大尉らの一隊では、佐藤特務曹長が下士兵卒を連れ川に飛び込んだが、そのまま凍死した。
On july 31 , tomozane yoshii , had drafted the army reorganization act , also joined the dispute and the debate turned to the question of recruitment . また23日の会議では、先の陸軍編制法の立案者である吉井友実も加わり、今後の兵卒素材についての議論も始まった。
They were forced to camp out standing in a circle , with officers in a center and soldiers surrounding them , as they couldn ' t even have a warm . 露営をするが、暖を取る事も叶わず、将校を中心に周りを兵卒が囲む形で立ったまま休む状態で露営をすることとなった。
Furthermore , he was charged the blame on the failure of transportation in the liaodong peninsula conquest in 660 , and was demoted to the ranks at the age of fifty nine . さらに顕慶5年(660年)の遼東半島征伐において漕運に失敗した罪を着せられ、59歳にして一兵卒に落とされた。
It is said that one of the reasons why the survival probability of the officers was high is because their equipment had better cold protection functions than those of nonofficial soldiers . 将校の生存確率が高いのも、兵卒より防寒機能が高い装備が一因と言われている。
According to the " army dress code system " (1900 imperial edict no . 364 ), the gobosei was embroidered on the caps of the imperial army from taisho (general ) to soldiers . 「陸軍服制」(明治33年勅令第364号)によると、大将から兵卒まで、帝国陸軍の軍帽には五芒星が刺繍されていた。
Legislatively , there were no regulations on the promotion from heisotsu (solidier ) to shikan (officer ), but actually some soldiers were promoted to top officials of the late tondenhei settlements . 法制上は兵卒から士官への昇進の規定はなかったが、実際には昇進者もあり、後期屯田の幹部となった。