However , he corrected it immediately saying , ' 2 surviving soldiers and 10 dead bodies .' がすぐさま「生存兵卒2、遺体10」だったと訂正している。
Major yamaguchi fell unconscious while camping out the previous day and marched being carried by soldiers . 前日の露営で山口少佐が再び人事不省となり、少佐は兵卒に担がれる状態で行軍する。
It is said that the fort was built in a rush by soldiers and local residents who were recruited for the construction work . 建設には兵卒および近隣住民が徴用され、突貫工事で造り上げたと言われる。
Enraged by his conduct , the emperor sent heisotsu (soldiers ), thereby arresting and punishing him with the death penalty (chusatsu ). これに激怒した天皇は兵卒を発し、玉田を捕えて誅殺させたのである。