The relationship among family in those days was very flexible and it was commonly seen that each samurai of the same family submitted a name list to each different master . 当時の一家をなすもの同士の結合が極めて緩やかであり、親兄弟がそれぞれ別の主人?に名簿(みょうぶ)を差し出すことはごく普通である。
So , nobunaga sent mitsuhide akechi and fujitaka hosokawa as emissaries to yoshiaki in order to make peace with him on the condition that he would take the tonsure and send hostages . そのため信長は、明智光秀と細川藤孝を使者として義昭のもとに送り、自らの剃髪と人質を差し出すことを条件にして和睦を求めた。
In " kojidan " (talks of the past ), there is a tradition that kato dayu nariie , who was told by taira no masamori to serve fresh meat of fowl as a meal of gion no nyogo , nariie daringly breached the ban on killing animals and fishes imposed by emperor shirakawa in order to avoid punishments from his master . 『古事談』には、祇園女御の食事に鮮鳥を差し出すことを平忠盛に命じられた加藤大夫成家が、主人からの処罰を逃れるためにあえて白河天皇の殺生禁断令を破った話が伝えられている。