Trying to understand and trying to give an answer 3つの「S」の脅威を理解し 解答を差し出すこと
Trying to understand and trying to give an answer 3つの「s」の脅威を理解し 解答を差し出すこと
The gods must take back the life they spared . 短剣の守り主の命を差し出すこと
And present it like a business card それを差し出すことで
Hisahide once again surrendered to nobunaga by offering him his tamonyama-jo castle . 多聞山城を差し出すことで再び信長に降伏した。
The level of unity differed with the value of what could be gained by myobu submission . 名簿(みょうぶ)を差し出すことによって得られる対価が何であるかによってもその結合度が変化するのは当然である。
Being at a complete loss , gengobe offers the 100 ryo prepared by his uncle , saying that he will buy out koman . 困り果てた源五兵衛は、身請けすると言って、伯父の用立ててくれた百両を差し出すことになる。
Under such circumstances , ieyasu was forced to make akitsuna commit suicide by disembowelment and send his head to masanori . 仕方なく家康は昭綱を切腹させ、その首を差し出すことで解決をみたという。
To turn over the iron man suit would be to turn over myself , which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution depending on what state you're in . 私自身を差し出すことだ、 つまり体を売ることに等しい
In this way nobutaka was isolated at gifu castle , sent sanposhi to hideyoshi , and concluded a peace in exchange for hostage of his mother saka-shi and daughter . こうして岐阜城に孤立してしまった信孝は、三法師を秀吉に引き渡し、生母の坂氏と娘を人質として差し出すことで和議を結んだ。