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impede 意味



  • if you are presuming that these experiences in any way impede my ability to command this ship , and yet , you are the one who said fear was necessary for command .
    その悲劇は 私の指揮判断に 影響を与えない
  • i sincerely hope it's nothing that will impede you in any way before this case is brought to a satisfactory conclusion , the i's dotted , the t's crossed and the ...
    本件が解決する前に 何事も無ければ 良いのですが ちゃんと 払って欲しいので
  • she was filled with longing to see tokiyori again , but he is said to have refused her in tears , saying , ' seeing you will impede spiritual practice .'
  • as volunteer guides operate ever more closely to areas worked by professional guides , they may encroach on their areas of operation and there is concern that the volunteer or low-fee sector will impede the fee-charging market .
  • while omi no kenu was still en route , however , iwai , the hereditary governor of tsukushi province , rebelled and joined forces with silla , seeking to impede omi no kenu ' s military advance , and consequently omi no kenu was unable to cross over into the korean peninsula .
  • when in october of that same year he was informed that the allied armies of the asai and asakura clans had marched out , he led a sortie from usayama-jo castle in an effort to impede their advance , deploying his troops in sakamoto in order to block their way forward .
  • the reasons why germany joined the intervention was 1 . to impede closer ties between russia and france , 2 . to divert russia ' s attention from europe to the far east to lessen its threat to europe , 3 . to fulfill its own ambition in the far east , and 4 . to combat the ' yellow peril ' claimed by the emperor himself .
  • if these scenarios were present , then the scorched-earth strategy would have been enacted as follows: the tokugawa family side would set fire to edo-jo castle and all of edo town; this strategy was to be implemented to impede the enemy ' s military advance , the method; setting a devastating firestorm upon the edo community prior to an attack from the ' expeditionary force to the east .'
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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