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cost 意味



  • and what's interesting about it isn't the cost ;
    興味深いのはコストではなく 通信の仕方です
  • who knew dinner and a movie would cost 30 bucks ?
    晩飯と映画で 30ドルってどうして分る?
  • between the price and the cost it takes to produce
    利益は 売上とコストの 小さな差額です
  • so the cost of the propellant is about .3 percent
    燃料のコストは ロケットのコストのうちの
  • hey , them two pairs of drawers don't cost no $50 .
    パンティ2枚で 50ドルはしないだろ
  • but now it comes to cost more . it certainly is .
    だが今となっては もっと酷くなっちまった
  • it's gonna cost money to go to antarctica , right ?
    南極に行くの お金かかるんでしょ?
  • because you weren't worth the cost of treatment .
  • in the past , the sars epidemic actually cost the world
  • want to hazard a guess what his little charity drive cost you ?
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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