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cost 意味

発音記号:[ kɔst ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: cost   動詞 過去分詞: cost   名詞 複数形: costs   動詞 現在分詞: costing   


  • at a cost of    ~の費用で、~を犠牲にして、~という代償を払って◆【同】at the price of
  • at cost    原価で、実費で
  • at no cost    無料{むりょう}で
  • at the cost of    ~を犠牲{ぎせい}にして、~の損害{そんがい}にかけて He enjoyed his popularity at the cost of his privacy. 彼は自分のプライバシーを犠牲にして人気を謳歌した。
  • cost-    {連結} : costo-の異形{いけい}◆母音の前で
  • to cost    to cost 為る する
  • cost-to-cost method    原価対原価法{げんか たい げんか ほう}
  • (a) fixed cost    (a) fixed cost 固定費 こていひ
  • abandonment cost    投棄費{とうき ひ}
  • abnormal cost    異常原価{いじょう げんか}
  • absolute cost    回収済み原価{げんか}
  • absorbed cost    回収済み原価{げんか}、配賦原価{はいふ げんか}
  • absorption cost    全額原価{ぜんがく げんか}
  • accident cost    災害コスト
  • accidental cost    偶発経費{ぐうはつ けいひ}


  • the way the cost of what i squander , what is lost
  • that's half the cost with no co2 gets invented
  • they'll find someone else and it will cost them less .
    そっちの方が 安くすむだろうし
  • at what cost ? you're a good person . don't do this .
    貴方は良い人よ だからもう止めて
  • that dwarfs cost inflation in medical care .
    医療費のインフレも 小っちゃく見える様な規模です
  • that oath cost you two girls already today .
    誓いはあなた方2人かかりました 少女、 もう今日
  • your irresponsibility nearly cost saphira her life .
  • can't you somehow do it at the original cost ?
    何とか当初の金額で やっていただけませんかね
  • cost me 1 0 ,000 to get , you know , the dental work .
    1万ドル下さい 歯の治療費に
  • why does it cost so much energy , then ?
    では何故私たちの脳はそんなに エネルギーを使うのでしょうか
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • the property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold); "the fluctuating monetary value of gold and silver"; "he puts a high price on his services"; "he couldn''t calculate the cost of the collection"
    Synonyms: monetary value, price,

  • value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something; "the cost in human life was enormous"; "the price of success is hard work"; "what price glory?"
    Synonyms: price, toll,

  • the total spent for goods or services including money and time and labor

  • Verb
  • require to lose, suffer, or sacrifice; "This mistake cost him his job"

  • be priced at; "These shoes cost $100"
    Synonyms: be,

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