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had 意味



  • in japan , the tv had its very first broadcast on
    <日本で テレビが初めて放送されたのは
  • i ran there by foot . i had no medical equipment .
    私は走って行きました 医療道具はなく
  • i always had a passion for alternative vehicles .
  • very much the same way as our legal team had done
    私たち弁護団が 過去7年間してきたのと
  • her heart ... had essentially been obliterated .
    彼女の心臓は 実質上 完全に破壊されていた
  • her heart ... had essentially been obliterated .
    彼女の心臓は 実質上 完全に破壊されていた
  • if i had to give it a reason , i'd say for entertainment .
  • because these countries had vaccines and antibiotics
    これらの国々には 我々になかった
  • to see whether or not they had the flu epidemic .
  • what would you have done if i had opened my eyes ?
    もし あの時椿君が目を開けてたらあたし
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
英語→日本語 日本語→英語