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inheritance 意味



  • owing , if not to a crash , then to an inheritance
    事故の他にも 遺産相続
  • and you understand the rules of inheritance ?
  • and every asset and inheritance that's under my name .
  • well , she was left a fairly large inheritance .
    引き受けるよ 君の事件はとても面白そうだ なにか用ですか?
  • the greatest inheritance i can give you isn't merely money .
    お前に与える最大の遺産は 金じゃない
  • he'd be preoccupied with his inheritance , with his heir .
  • ah somehow like a verbal inheritance ?
    ああ~ なんか そういう言い伝えみたいな?
  • i guess this erotic magazine is my inheritance .
    エロ本が 遺産かよ。
  • once you have all of galileo's inheritance
    ガリレオの遺産が 全て 揃ったら
  • and this man just came into a $100 ,000 inheritance .
    この男性は100,000ドルの 遺産を相続したのです
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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