inheritance 意味
- inheritance n. 継承, 相続; 遺伝的体質; 遺産.【動詞+】【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】【前置詞+】【+前置詞】
- the inheritance of disease
- the inheritance of disease
- by inheritance 相続によって
- alternative inheritance 交代遺伝{こうたい いでん}
- autosomal inheritance 常染色体遺伝{じょう せんしょくたい いでん}
- biological inheritance 生物学的遺伝体質{せいぶつがくてき いでん たいしつ}
- blended inheritance 融合遺伝{ゆうごう いでん}
- blending inheritance 融合遺伝{ゆうごう いでん}
- codominant inheritance 相互優性遺伝{そうご ゆうせい いでん}、共優性遺伝{きょう ゆうせい いでん}
- collateral inheritance 傍系遺伝{ぼうけい いでん}
- complex inheritance 複合遺伝{ふくごう いでん}
- considered inheritance みなし相続財産{そうぞく ざいさん}
- cross inheritance 交差遺伝{こうさ いでん}
- cytoplasmic inheritance 細胞質遺伝{さいぼうしつ いでん}
- deemed inheritance みなし相続財産{そうぞく ざいさん}
- delayed inheritance 遅滞遺伝{ちたい いでん}
- dominant inheritance 優性遺伝{ゆうせいいでん}
- was there any problem with the inheritance ?
遺産相続の問題が 発生したりはしなかったんですか - she's out working on an inheritance tax case .
あの 相続税の案件で たらい回しにされてます。 - this man just came into a $100 ,000 inheritance .
この人に、10万ドルの遺産が入りました。 - looks like somebody's in for a big inheritance .
確実に誰かがすごい遺産を 相続するようね - and everyone's purpose is to get the inheritance .
どいつもこいつも 遺産目当てか...。 - because there is no one to inherit the enormous inheritance .
はっ? 出た。 - i'm not giving you an inheritance , so that can be it .
それは... しかたがない - my older brother didn't let me blow dad's inheritance
9マイルも街から離れた潰れた - you gave haley 20 percent of your inheritance , right ?
あなたは自分の相続分の20%を - and that discovery is galileo's inheritance ...
その発見こそ ガリレオの遺産 ガリレオテゾロ。
- Noun
- hereditary succession to a title or an office or property
Synonyms: heritage, - any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors; "my only inheritance was my mother''s blessing"; "the world''s heritage of knowledge"
Synonyms: heritage, - (genetics) attributes acquired via biological heredity from the parents
Synonyms: hereditary pattern, - that which is inherited; a title or property or estate that passes by law to the heir on the death of the owner
Synonyms: heritage,