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  • was there any problem with the inheritance ?
    遺産相続の問題が 発生したりはしなかったんですか
  • she's out working on an inheritance tax case .
    あの 相続税の案件で たらい回しにされてます。
  • this man just came into a $100 ,000 inheritance .
  • looks like somebody's in for a big inheritance .
    確実に誰かがすごい遺産を 相続するようね
  • and everyone's purpose is to get the inheritance .
    どいつもこいつも 遺産目当てか...。
  • because there is no one to inherit the enormous inheritance .
    はっ? 出た。
  • i'm not giving you an inheritance , so that can be it .
    それは... しかたがない
  • my older brother didn't let me blow dad's inheritance
  • you gave haley 20 percent of your inheritance , right ?
  • and that discovery is galileo's inheritance ...
    その発見こそ ガリレオの遺産 ガリレオテゾロ。
  • now he's dead he has to pay inheritance tax too ?!
    死んだら死んだで 今度は相続税ですって!?
  • i took my inheritance too soon and squandered it .
    相続が早すぎて 浪費してしまった
  • and this man just came into a $100 ,000 inheritance .
  • uh , he came into an inheritance actually no one knew about .
  • he'd buy the shares i was given in inheritance .
    相続分の株 買い取ってくれるって。
  • had a dispute about an inheritance with kasahara no oki .
  • if poor parents don't leave any inheritance the ..
    親が下手に 遺産 残そうもんだったら あんた
  • that partied so hard , and so abused its inheritance .
  • but the two who paid their inheritance tax .
    でも 2人は 相続税を納めてるんですよ?
  • about inheritance don't you want it too much ?
    あの... 遺産って そんなに おありになるんですか?
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3