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had 意味



  • suddenly , i had an episode of catastrophic bleeding .
    突然 大量の出血を起こしました
  • even though you had to bribe him with a giraffe .
    キリンで買収したことを 差し置いてもです
  • i actually had my daughter gave her a tally counter
    実は去年の夏 娘にカウンターを渡し
  • today is the best birthday i've ever had .
    はあ~ 今日は最高の誕生日です ありがとうございました
  • phillips would have had me stuck in a lab .
    フィリップスならぼくを研究室に 閉じ込めただろうね。
  • in one study , we had people watch a brief video
    ある研究で 短いビデオを見てもらいました
  • last time we came here , you told me that i had a talent .
  • how many people here had their retina scanned ?
    網膜をスキャンされた事のある人は? ひゃあ
  • it was up to him to decide when he had had enough .
    十分堪能したら 後は自分で外せばいい
  • it was up to him to decide when he had had enough .
    十分堪能したら 後は自分で外せばいい
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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