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"とりて"の例文"とりて" 意味"とりて" 中国語の意味


  • とりて
    (ancient) policeman
    official in charge of imprisoning offenders
    martial art
    an acceptor
    a good practitioner of judo or sumo
  • とり     とり 肚裏 in the heart 鳥 bird fowl poultry 酉 tenth sign of Chinese zodiac (The
  •      て 手 hand
  • とりてき    とりてき 取り的 low-ranking sumo wrestler
  • ひきとりて    ひきとりて 引き取り手 claimant caretaker
  • ひとりてんか    ひとりてんか 独り天下 undisputed leader 一人天下 be the sole master of the situation reign supreme
  • うけとりてがた    うけとりてがた 受取手形 notes receivable-trade
  • とりむりてーな    とりむりてーな トリムリテーナ "door living retainer, trim retainer, upholstery fixing strip"
  • とりむぱねるろありてーな    とりむぱねるろありてーな トリムパネルロアリテーナ "trim panel lower retainer, upholstery border"
  • 朝食をとりに下に降りていった。    I headed downstairs for breakfast.
  • とり    とり 肚裏 in the heart 鳥 bird fowl poultry 酉 tenth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Bird, 5pm-7pm, west, August)
  • うりて    うりて 売り手 売手 seller vendor
  • かりて    かりて 刈り手 mower reaper 借り手 borrower debtor tenant
  • きりて    きりて 切り手 cutter certificate
  • つりて    つりて 釣り手 fisherman angler hanging strap 吊り手 hanger
  • なりて    なりて 為り手 candidate suitable person


  • The following are winning techniques of sumo .
  • I wonder what it is .
    型もとりてぇな。 な なんですか?
  • The painting is realistic with its contrast between light and shadow; the value of dutch style makes me laugh .
    明暗を とりてゑがける ふりにし絵 珍笑(うづゑ)ましもよ そのおらんだぶり
  • The painting is realistic with its contrast between light and shadow; the value of dutch style makes me laugh .
    明暗を とりてゑがける ふりにし絵 珍笑(うづゑ)ましもよ そのおらんだぶり
  • Whenever i view the moon on the battlefield , i cannot help but imagine that the moon may be shining on my dead body tomorrow .
    とりて月みるごとにおもふかな あすはかばね(屍)の上に照かと
  • The modern karate is a combat sport characterized mainly by a striking art , but the traditional okinawan karate embraced grappling techniques called ' toitee , or torite ,' as well as throwing techniques .
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