とりて とりて 捕り手 (ancient) policeman official in charge of imprisoning offenders martial art bujutsu 取り手 an acceptor receiver recipient taker a good practitioner of judo or sumo
The family of ashura lived in the toriten (called sanjusanten [heaven of the thirty-three gods ] as well ) with taishakuten as its master . 阿修羅の一族は、帝釈天が主である忉利天(とうりてん、三十三天ともいう)に住んでいた。
In china it was mixed with risei (li jing ), a warrior at the beginning of the tang who was respected as a war god , which led to the creation of the god takutori-tenno . 中国では、軍神と称えられた唐代初期の武将李靖と習合し、托塔李天王(たくとうりてんのう。単に托塔天王とも)という尊格が生まれた。