He was 戸口 of heki no onari (男成 ) who was the head of a family in sakyo sanjo sanbo . 左京三条三坊戸主の日置男成の戸口。
In some castles , the honmaru was used as a living or administration quarters for the castle owner , by building gorgeous buildings such as a honmaru-goten . 本丸御殿といった豪華な建物が建てられ、城主の日常生活や政務を行う場として使われる場合があった。
There are some noge (master ) who are a group of high priests one rank next to hoshu , and currently there are ten monks who are in the position of noge excluding former hoshu nikken . 法主の下には若干名の能化(のうけ)が、法主に次ぐ高僧衆として存在し、現在は前法主の日顕を除く10名の僧侶が能化の位にある。
In 1915 , astronomical records and family head ' s diaries possessed by the tsuchimikado family were presented to the imperial household ministry , and many of them are still stored in the imperial household archives . 1915年、土御門家が保有していた天文記録や当主の日記などが宮内省に献上されて、その多くが現在でも宮内庁書陵部に保管されている。