- 1. throw one's waste on the street
2. throw trash on the street
- 通り 通り とおり avenue street way どおり in accordance with  ̄ following  ̄  ̄ Street  ̄
- ごみ ごみ 塵 rubbish trash garbage
- 投げ 投げ なげ a throw a fall
- てる てる 照る to shine
- る る 僂 bend over
- 捨てる 捨てる すてる to throw away to cast aside to abandon to resign
- 投げ捨て dumping
- 投げ捨てる 投げ捨てる なげすてる to throw away
- ごみを投げ捨てる throw garbage away
- 街路にごみを投げ捨てる throw one's garbage in the street
- 道にごみを投げ捨てる throw one's garbage in the street
- ごみを投げ捨てる throw garbage away
- 通りにくずを投げ捨てる throw trash on the street
- 車の窓からごみを投げ捨てる 1. throw trash from one's car window 2. throw trash out of one's car window
- 武器を投げ捨てる throw down one's arms